Pawanamuktasana Series 1Pawanmuktasana series is very useful as a preparatory practice for anyone, as it opens up all the major joints and relaxes the muscles of…3d ago3d ago
Asanas“Sthiram sukham aasanam”, meaning that position which is comfortable and steady. Asanas are specific body positions which open the energy…5d ago5d ago
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha“Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” book is written by Swamy Satyanandha Saraswathi disciple of Swamy Sivanada Saraswathi. Swamy Satyanandha…6d ago6d ago
const keywordThe const keyword is used to declare variables whose value cant be changed after initialisation, it is mainly used for creating the…Nov 23Nov 23
printf(“%-25s, “%.*s\n”)This printf statement prints two strings: left aligned within a width of 25 characters and a substring with the specified length.Nov 23Nov 23
SPI MTSSPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Controller allows SPI transfers. MTS is Master transaction split option allows SPI transfers to be broken…Nov 17Nov 17
Calculation of CPU cycles in Zyphyr OSZyphyr OS provides k_cycles_get_32() and k_cycles_get_64() APIs. k_cycles_get_32() and k_cycles_get_64() used to obtain the current cycle…Nov 1Nov 1