Dynamic Programming

Oct 25, 2020


This is an optimization method developed by Richard Bellmann.

Advantages with dynamic programming:

· Reduction in time complexity

· Reduction in call stack of recursive functions

· Avoiding computation of sub-problems if occurring more than once

This concept not only used in computer programming but also in mathematical optimization methods.

Dynamic programming is a concept of divide and reuse for problem solving. Dividing a problem into multiple sub problems, store those solutions and reuse those solutions whenever required to solve the main problem.

This concept is not a generic concept, cannot be applied to all problems. It can only be applied to specific problems where the problem can be divided into multiple sub-problems and solving of sub-problem may occur more than once in a recursive manner.

Dynamic programming can be depicted for below example:

To solve problem P, solve S1, S2, S3 sub problems:

· To solve S1, solve X1, X2, … Xl

· To solve S2, solve X1, X2, …Xm

· To solve S3, solve X1, X2, … Xn

Where some of the sub-problems (X1, X2, .. Xk) are repeated which can be avoided when storing and using their solutions.

Some examples of dynamic programming problems:

· Fibonacci numbers

· Longest common subsequence

· Knapsack problem

· Levenshtein distance problem

· Word break problem

Can you please comment where the dynamic programming cannot be used for some recursive problems? Please specify problems and reasons.



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