Pawanamuktasana series 2 enhances digestive systems and helps remove abdominal energy blockages. These asanas are beneficial for ppl suffering indigestion, constipation, acidity, gas, diabetes, vericose vains, and reproductive system disorders.
Throughout the practice focus on movements, breathing, mental counting, intra abdominal pressure and stretch of the muscles. Be mindful of physical limitations to avoid strain on lower back.
These asanas should be performed in a supine position. Lie down on a back, legs together, arms by the sides, palms down, and head and spine in a straight line.
- Utthanpadasana or Padaangusta asana (Raised leg pose)
Lie down on back, inhale and raise the right leg as high as possible, keeping it straight and relaxed. The left leg should remain straight touching to the floor. Hold for 3 to 50 seconds, while exhaling slowly lower the leg. Repeat the left leg.
Benefits: Strengthens abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and supports lower back and pelvic muscles.
2. Chakra padasana (leg rotation)
Lie down in supine posture, raise the right leg slightly up and rotate the leg in big circles clockwise 10 times and anti-clockwise 10 times. The heel should not touch the floor. Repeat with left leg.
Benefits: Improves hip joint flexibility, tones abdominal and spinal muscles, and aids in weight management.
3. Pada sanchalanasana (cycling pose)
Lie down in supine posture, mimic cycling motions with one leg moving forward and backward. 10 times in the forward direction and 10 times in reverse. Repeat with the left leg.
Benefits: Strengthens abdominal and lower back muscles, improves hip and knee flexibility, and stimulates circulation.
4. Supta Pawanamuktasana
Lie down in supine position, and hug the knees to the chest. Interlock fingers and clasp hands on the shin bones just below the knees. Inhale and hold your breath, raise head and shoulders, place the nose between your knees. Roll the body side to side 5 to 10 times by touching the side of the legs to the floor. Rock the whole body backward and forward 5 to 10 times on the spine.
Benefits: Relieves gas, constipation, and digestive discomfort. Massages lower back and pelvic regions. It also energizes the body.
5. Naukasana (boat pose)
Lie down in supine position, eyes open. Breathe in deeply. Hold your breath, raise the shoulders, arms, head, and legs off the ground balancing on your buttocks. Maintain straight arms align with the toes.
Benefits: Stimulates muscles, digestion, circulation, and the nervous system. Helps in relieving nervous tension and boosting energy.
6. Supta udarakarshanasana (sleeping abdominal stretch pose) (Lying down twist) (Markatasana variation)
Bend knees and twist the legs one side, turn the head in opposite direction. Interlock the fingers and place under the head. Repeat other side.
Benefits: Stretches abdominal and spinal muscles, relieves constipation, and reduces back stiffness.
7. Shava udarakarshanasana (universal spinal twist) (Lying down twist) (Markatasana variation)
Lie down in supine position, stretch your hands outwards, bend the right knee, hold the right knee with the left hand, and twist across the body. Turn the head towards the right. Repeat it with left leg.
Benefits: Relieves lower back tightness, massages pelvic and abdominal organs, and improves spinal flexibility.
- Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha book by Swamy Satyananda Saraswati